Saturday 11 April 2009

Easter is the busiest time of the year!!!! Up until now!!

Well what can I say - we have made a few revelations this week, one being I have realised that I could never work in a factory (the production line myself and Maria had going last week was a lot better than a factory), and the fact that carding can totally take over your life. My craft space (which is currently the dining table) has not moved for two days - which is unheard of in my house as my son has very sneaky fingers that tend to touch everything!! And I have made so many little things for easter this time
Our first cards are the "easter" lot that Maria and myself sat up till 4am to complete!!!!

And if that wasn't enough - I have made 8 cards, 8 small baskets, 3 large baskets, 10 sour cream boxes and a another 9 small box bags! I've blogged just a few here (obviously not them all) - and Maria has kindly lent me some of her fantastic SU products, which of course I have come to realise I cannot do without now, so I will have to buy my own! The pictures are slightly messed up on here, so I have left them as they are as it is too late for messing hehe.
So till later
bye xx

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